Explain hipters

Written By admin on Monday, May 27, 2013 | 5:10 AM

Hipsters are people who take on affectations because they want to feel connected to some idea of "authenticity." Which is total fake because you see them driving around in their beat up cars, drinking their PBR, and you know there's nothing "genuine" about that at all.
It's this culture of nostalgia, but it's all nostalgia for stuff they had nothing to do with. Like, I'm so sick of hearing guys playing country music ironically. It's annoying because you and I actually like country music. For that matter, Igenuinely like PBR. It's not to look cool, it's just what we like.
And American Apparel - OK, I refused to wear Am Appy for a long time because it was such a big trend. But you know what? The clothes look good, they fit me really well, and they make me feel good about myself. It's fashionable. I think they've been around long enough that it doesn't have to be such a big deal anymore. And they're really well-made.
Honestly, I'd love to get all my stuff from Goodwill, like you do, but I just don't have the energy, you know? But it's so much cheaper, and I love how all your clothes have that worn look. That shirt looks like something Magnum, PI, would have worn. See, that's the difference between us and actual hipsters - they'd probably be like "oh that's hilarious," but I just think it's cool to look like that. I mean, what's wrong with being fashionable? It's retro.
It's funny, because there's such a fine line - everything I like would make me a hipster, but it's the way I like it that makes me different. I don't, like, have a collection of disco singles because I think it looks cool, I have a collection of disco singles because I got really into disco when I was living in Chicago. I'm so sick of people calling me a hipster just because of the music I like, or, like, becuase I'm wearing a Patsy Cline shirt. What am I supposed to do, avoid wearing this shirt I think is cool because I'm worried someone will call me a hipster?
I think it's all a class-based thing. I read this philosopher, or I mean, I read an article about him in the New Yorker - Pierre Bourdieu. He says people hate hipsters because "hipsters" are usually the people with the social and financial flexibility to be fashionable without the social consequences other people would have. Or something like that. Like, I can imagine that people resent it when they see someone with $200 sunglasses who can afford to go around with a big handlebar mustache and a sleeveless shirt - it's like by pretending to be a working man, or something, this guy is making it obvious that he's a rich kid who doesn't have to worry about getting fired from a job for looking like an idiot.
I know I probably wouldn't have my beard if I didn't work from home, but at least I work. I mean, and that's why I hate those hipster guys in Echo Park so much. The fact that they're playing music at 5 in the morning just reminds me that they have enough money to get by without having a job. I wish I could be that lucky.
Anyway, I'm tired. Let's go to the park and take that awesome vintage Scrabble set we got at that random yard sale on Larchmont. I love that the pieces are from, like, two different sets.

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