She's a weight winner

Written By admin on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 | 2:32 PM

I started off strong. I started eating healthy, cutting out sugars, and exercising near the end of January and I managed to drop 18 lbs from 230lbs between late Jan-mid March. Since then I've seen nothing and it has made me a little down.
This morning while getting dressed, I found a bracelet that I was given about 2 years ago by my sister that I was never able to wear because I couldn't clasp it around my wrist because it was too tight :( I put it on today and it fit! It just made me feel really good. A small win :) I texted my sister and she said "Keep it on as a reminder of all the beautiful things you'll fit into and beautiful feelings that will come as you keep getting even more healthy!" So that is exactly what I am going to do :D
I wanted to share because sometimes you can feel so down and feel like nothing is happening or it isn't happening fast enough and it can take something, no matter how incredibly small, to remind you to keep going. Doesn't hurt to have an amazing support system either ;-)



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